Ages 10-14, that’s grades 5-8. Middle school. An at risk population unfortunately. The seeds are planted early that can lead to drugs, alcohol, peer pressure, bullying, self-confidence issues. The foundation is laid governing their ability to stand up for what is right, overall and for themselves. The confidence built to just say no… we hope.
Life was much simpler for me growing up at that age. Go to school, come home to Mom, get outside in all seasons, hang out, play something, head home for dinner when it got dark. Today is different, single parents and two earner families work hard to make ends meet, to no fault of their own. It is reality that many children are left to their own devices after school. We all understand the “idle hands” syndrome…
Via LinkedIn, Bruce Kasanoff indoctrinated me to Kickstarter, introducing me to a young, and very talented musician named Hayley Reardon. He shared a cause he believed in. I got involved. I am attempting to spur involvement by sharing today. This is my cause.
The heroin crisis is ripping my heart out. Research shows the seeds for addiction are planted at a young age. Narcan is a reactive solution to an existing problem. I am advocating a more proactive approach. Youth centers can educate, provide a safe after-school haven, and instill the confidence needed to make wise choices when confronted with the myriad of options that may lead children astray. Poor decision making can lead to drug and/or alcohol abuse, crime, homelessness and zero self-worth. The opiate crisis knows no bounds, affecting people regardless of culture, age group, income level or geography.
That’s why I’m highly invested in Plymouth Youth Foundation’s Winterfest in America’s Hometown, Plymouth, MA. It’s an annual family-fun event complete with laser shows, an aerial circus, street performers and live musicians. The entire event is funded by local businesses, and any excess donations go to support preventing opioid abuse in our community.
Doesn’t every child deserve a chance? I won the “ovarian lottery” according to Warren Buffett. Not every kid is so lucky. At a minimum, please share this with your circles of influence. Contribute if you see fit. This is a proactive approach to a growing problem, and lends hope for a brighter future. For all.
You can donate to Plymouth Youth Foundation online here or by mailing a check to: